When was the last time…

…you click on a visual novel, 18x or not, and start reading it from a load file you don’t even remember exist on a Saturday evening?


That’s about 10 minutes ago for me… Can’t even remember the names of characters despite having went through the game once. Voice acting by Nonaka Ai is awesome, btw.


You are already dead… island

Talking about Dead Island, the following video is probably the best among the game’s very few attractive public presentations after its unique trailer (often spoken of as “better than the game”). Be warned you may suffer from certain suffocation or pain in the stomach while watching, enjoy.

In comparison, negative publicities are flying all over the internet, including major no clipping glitches, dancing zombies, faulty character models and the HARDEST BOSS FIGHT EVER. And of course a ton of criticism to the game itself.


Tempted to fist all zombies into sky, I would still play the game under normal condition through first, just showing some respect to other people’s labour you know?


I am planning to churn out a K-on!/!! review over the weekend, so お楽しみに. I would like to point out though that a certain critical task I am currently engaged in (other than playing Dead Island on normal and watching animes, that is) is very time consuming, so I may not update the blog as often in the following month or so. I still try to keep up to a three day schedule though, or in other words by-weekly.