One of the better “top 50 anime ops” compilations…

…according to my opinion. About 20 songs out of the 50 compiled have been mainstay on my pod, at least for a while… Blundering into this video in the middle of studying (in other words, procrastinating) totally reinvigorates my spirit. It is hard to be a good student, especially when the closest carefree campus life is more than 2 years behind you…

I have been working on the second post for Anime Basics, focusing on seiyuu or voice actors. It’s been a little challenging finding and organizing materials to make it a reasonably good article though. So I decide to carefully, attentively, cautiously, respectfully write the article, with a heart full of love.

: P

You are already dead… island

Talking about Dead Island, the following video is probably the best among the game’s very few attractive public presentations after its unique trailer (often spoken of as “better than the game”). Be warned you may suffer from certain suffocation or pain in the stomach while watching, enjoy.

In comparison, negative publicities are flying all over the internet, including major no clipping glitches, dancing zombies, faulty character models and the HARDEST BOSS FIGHT EVER. And of course a ton of criticism to the game itself.


Tempted to fist all zombies into sky, I would still play the game under normal condition through first, just showing some respect to other people’s labour you know?


I am planning to churn out a K-on!/!! review over the weekend, so お楽しみに. I would like to point out though that a certain critical task I am currently engaged in (other than playing Dead Island on normal and watching animes, that is) is very time consuming, so I may not update the blog as often in the following month or so. I still try to keep up to a three day schedule though, or in other words by-weekly.

An interesting article on internet anime “pirating”

I have stumbled across this interesting piece of article yesterday. Thought it’ll be cool to share:

To be perfectly frank, I believe that no “anime fan” (real or semi-real or fake) out there could honestly claim they have no experience undermining the integrity of this delicate little concept called “intellectual property”. Personally I am very interested in discussions on this topic, be it built around anime or the more mainstream music, movie and software industries. I won’t go into details here today though, or it runs the risk of growing into a 10,000 word essay which would spell certain doom for me at work tomorrow…

As a matter of fact, I almost created a new category in this blog named “legal and compliance” about a minute ago. Yet on second thought it’s most likely to be an eyesore and never clicked upon, so never mind : P Continue reading